Uhh, holy crap. Azumi Game apparently got a Daily Feature and was Frontpaged.
And here I was worried it might be blammed hahaha.
Seriously, the outpouring of support and helpful feedback on the game has been fantastic. As someone who probably seriously compromised their college prospects wasting countless hours on Newgrounds back during middle and high school, even having content of my own up on this site is surreal.
Having people give a damn is just plain humbling.
If you wanna follow the further development of my simple kunoichi trash panda, in both games and beyond, I highly recommend following me on Twitter, where I post constant dev updates (and whine about losing in Dark Souls, just got into the series a few weeks ago). If you have any more feedback or questions about the game, feel free to hit me up over there, I'd love to talk shop.
Thanks to everyone who played and believes in Azumi, I will do my absolute best to make your faith worthwhile.